Monthly Archives: November 2012

Freedom Freely Available with A Creative Commons License!


Our continued unfolding into the noosphere means that each and every day, new tools  and new information for liberating ourselves themselves become liberated. mobiused1 wrote his last book using LibreOffice, an open source office suite that is freely available and at least as good, in mobiused1’s humble experience, as that offering from Microsoft. So it should come as no surprise but with plenty of gratitude to learn that an incredibly useful book by mobiused1’s collaborator, friend and teacher Gary Weber is now freely available online. “Happiness Beyond Thought” is one of those books you want to have around to dip into, and now you can even read it for free on your phone. True to its subtitle, HBT is a “Practical Guide for Awakening” offering concrete tactics for withering self referential thoughts and awakening to the incroyable immensity of our minds beyond the “I thought” of everyday life. mobiused1 knows of no better guide for those of us on the journey  to the infinite realms beyond thought. Download it now, and I’ll see you in the noosphere beyond thought!


Filed under Become Mobiused, Consciousness-Without-An-Object, Noösphere, Questing, Uncategorized